Dirdy Birdy Pole Dance Workshop

Pole Dance 明星 Dirdy Birdy 由澳洲遠道而來, 為大家帶黎兩個 Workshop.
中至高班 2:30-4:00pm. 價錢 $600.
初班: 4:15-5:45pm. 價錢 $600

Dirdy Birdy 將會教授她的 Signature Spins 同埋一個小 Routine.
The amazing Dirdy Birdy will be coming to Melody Pole Studio to teach 2 workshops on 14 April 2012.
Intermediate- Advance: 2.30-4:00pm. Require Air Invert. Price $600.
Beginner: 4:15-5:45pm. All levels welcome. Price $600.

Dirdy Birdy will be teaching her beautiful signature moves and a mini routine.

Please contact Melody Rose at melodyrose@hotmail.com.hk
or visit www.melodypolestudio.com

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