7月免費首次試驗堂 Pole Dance / Lap Dance

Melody Pole Studio 將於 7月舉行一個免費試驗堂.

每堂包含 Pole Dance, Lap Dance 介紹

1) 7月218日, 星期六, 晚 7.30-8.30
試驗堂: 每堂$260
如當日報 TERM 3 (8月13-10月6日), 試驗堂免費, 即付差額 $1100.

必需致電留位: 3998 4903/ melodyrose@hotmail.com.hk

Due to a lot of enquiries about trial class, we are going to organize 1 free trial classes on

Include Pole / Lap introduction

1) 28 July, Sat, 7.30pm-8.30pm

Trial Class $260. If you enroll in a full course after trial, you will only need to pay the differences $1100 ($1360-260).
Please call or email to book: 3998 4903   / melodyrose@hotmail.com.hkMelodyPageAd


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